Five Proven Ways to Boost Customer Loyalty with Custom Packaging Inserts

The interior of the packaging is equally important as its exterior. But, unfortunately, most companies overlook this aspect and lag in maximising their marketing potential. No doubt paying attention to the small details like packaging inserts goes a long way and overall creates a positive brand image.
It’s not only a cost-effective way to market your product to the target audience but it also makes them feel extra special and valued. Overall it enhances the customers unboxing experience and adds value to the product. Therefore, let us jump on to the following points to know how these little things help the brands to boost customer loyalty:
1. Small Gift:
No doubt if the product packaging is visually attractive so there are high chances of customers purchasing your product. And, if the interior of the packaging consists of a small gift or free sample so it not only motivates the customers to check your brand but it’s an amazing way to surprise them as well.
And it’s important to note that the purpose of packaging inserts is to add value to the product packaging hence it needs to be done well.
2. Warranty Card:
Either you have purchased an electronic good or a high-end product so it mostly comes up with a warranty card. It not only shows the customers that the brand is enough credible but they can also return to the brand in case of compromised quality or a defective product.
Moreover, it’s an amazing way to make the customers feel valued thus leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.
3. Use of Stickers:
It’s an admitted fact that custom packaging boxes act as a powerful marketing tool either it’s a startup or a large-scale corporation. And it’s important to note that placing the product booklet or the stickers not only reminds the customers constantly of a particular product but also creates brand awareness.
Moreover, using the sticker on a mobile, refrigerator or notebook helps the company to create their unique brand identity and stay on top of the minds of the customers. Above all, it provides the brands with cross selling opportunities as well. Therefore, once the customers are satisfied with one of your products so they will not hesitate in trying out the new one.
4. Discount Card and Special Offer:
It’s always quite exciting and thrilling for the customers to come across a discounted card or a coupon in their custom packaging boxes. Marketing statements like clearance sale, special offer, buy one get one free and new arrival always make the customers super excited.
Hence, it’s an amazing way of retaining the existing customers and attracting potential ones. Thus, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.
5. Thank you Card:
There is no denying the fact that the packaging insert is a gesture of appreciation and love towards the customers. It not only makes them feel special but a handwritten ‘Thank you card’ mentioning the name of the customers makes them emotional and well connected with the brand. Thus, it proves that little things create a big difference, and insertion of the packaging inserts is an amazing way to tug the heartstrings of the customers and take the brand promotion to the next level.
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