COVID19: Precautionary Measures to Be Taken for Packaging Workers’ Safety at Workplace.

We all are aware of the epidemic spread of threatening Coronavirus (Covid-19) all across the globe that has been proclaimed a public health emergency of international concern by WHO(World health organization). In the certainty of this deadliest spreading disease, a massive number of people are getting infected rapidly and thousands of people are dead already. So, In such a devastating situation, it is necessary to follow effective precautionary and control measures to avoid this epidemic spread of (Covid-19) Coronavirus.
For an outbreak in the areas where your businesses are settled. It is important to develop contingency and business continuity strategies and plans especially for the safety of the workers. In the packaging and printing industry, this Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has been affecting millions of workers and left many of them suffered to lose their jobs. While precautionary controls and measures have been imposed globally, Ememac Packaging AUS has implemented some extreme controls at the workplace to keep the employees safe from Covid-19 coronavirus.
Sanitization by implementing Disinfectants:
Emenac Packaging AUS has been trying their level best to implement infection precaution and prevention controls that are proven to be accurate and helpful according to scientific principles. We produce and deliver premium quality custom packaging around the globe. And shall never compromise on our quality and values. Our workplace is strictly following all the precautionary measures and preventions. We take deep care of our workplace sanitization. Using disinfectants many times a day, applying strict observations and rules of wearing solid masks and hard gloves all the time, implementation of hand sanitizer after every 15 to 20 minutes will keep the environment and our employees safe and sound.
The packaging and printing industry requires continuous engagement in the process of packaging boxes and would be touching the same surfaces concurrently. So, it is essential to follow all the measures strictly followed by extra special monitoring. Our workers are strongly asked to follow all the controls and maintain social distancing at the workplace.
Implementation of Automation:
Emenac Packaging AUS produces premium quality custom packaging boxes and delivers them under a highly secure monitering to our customers to fulfill the requirements and standards they expect from us.
We prefer to automate the whole process of manufacturing that will help to keep our employees safe and sound. Automation can lower the rate of human interaction by increasing the rate of social distancing. Automation can be done using strapping, tapping machines, sealers, and conveyors.
How Long does the Covid-19 can Survive?
Scientific researchers declared that under large circumstances, the infectious virus on any polluted surface is likely to survive up to 72 hours. However, it also will depend on the type of material.
Various surfaces can survive the infectious virus for different time-lapse. Such as:
- Cardboard Surface: 24 hours
- Air: 3 Hours
- Copper Surface: 4 hours
- Plastic & stainless steel Surface: Up to 2-3 Days
Use all the guidelines and precautionary measures from accurate and reputable sources to lower the risk of Covid-19 coronavirus. Stay updated and try to use, face masks, hand sanitizers, hand gloves, and disinfectants all the time and maintain social distancing.
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