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7 Tips to Improve Eco-Friendly Shipping Practices for Your Online Business

7 Tips to Improve Eco-Friendly Shipping Practices for Your Online Business

Due to the rapidly growing eCommerce sales, packaging waste has increased to an alarming extent. According to the reports, the United States produces 8 million tons of waste per year. And it is said that by the year 2050, there will be fewer fishes in the ocean as compared to plastic.

To put that in perspective, 61% of customers will switch to an Eco-friendly brand if they get to know that their brand is not implementing Eco-friendly packaging boxes. The brands who ignore the environmental impact of their businesses are ethically responsible for the environmental degradation as well as the downfall of their businesses. Moreover, 59% of shoppers are even willing to pay more for Eco-friendly packaging boxes. There is an utter need to implement Eco-friendly shipping practices for the eCommerce stores. Look at the following money-saving tricks and tips for the implementation of ecological packaging:

  • Reuse Packaging Boxes:
    Reusing the already existing boxes with certain or minimum cabbages is a good idea to save the planet. A personal care company named Plaine utilizes its aluminum shampoo bottles for the refill proposes to maximize the environmental impact. They also used recycled cardboard to make their custom packaging boxes. The most wondering fact about them is that they use a box almost five times before it is completely recycled.

    An organizational survey has revealed that by opting for re-usability in the packaging, Plaine has saved 15,000 boxes in the past months. Then there is another mind-blowing company Returnity, they are reusing the packaging boxes to the next level. They used a box at least 40 times and have a track of saving more than ten million cardboard boxes. Similarly, Rent the Runway reuses their mailer boxes for 15 times.   
  • Use Recycled Cardboard Boxes:
    Recycled cardboard boxes are a very popular green move today. Recycled cardboard is way better than virgin cardboard. One ton of recycled cardboard saves 17 trees and 7000 gallons of water. Moreover, it is extremely cost-efficient. Many eminent brands are switching to recycled cardboard due to its wealth of benefits.
  • Cornstarch-based Packaging:
    Styrofoam packaging is made up of petroleum and releases of 57 chemical byproducts. Companies are opting for more environmentally friendly alternatives and replacing traditional Styrofoam packaging with cornstarch-based packaging. It is a wonderful packaging alternative because of its biodegradable nature. They completely dissolve in the water. They can also be repurposed. Moreover, they considerably weigh less and are more energy-efficient   
  • Soy Ink:
    Usually, inks are made up of petroleum. A petroleum-based ink renders a fully recyclable box into an unrecyclable box. Therefore, use soy ink as it results in more intense color. The best part is, it is cheaper than the traditional ink.  
  • Neutral the Carbon:
    The shipping of the products produces a large carbon footprint. According to the statistics, product delivery churns out 55,000 metric tons of carbon oxide per day. A common way to omit carbon from the environment is to fund the planting of trees. However, the retailers also encourage carbon-neutral footprint by associating their businesses with carbon-neutral custom packaging boxes.   

You can start saving the planet by starting to implement Eco-friendly packaging boxes. We all are equally responsible for making this planet hazard free and healthy. By following the above-mentioned effective tips, you can lower the carbon in the air and promotes a green environment.

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