6 Useful Types of Paper Packaging Material That Can Be Recycled Easily
Over 4 billion trees are chopped every year to make new paper and its products, which is very bad for the planet. Nowadays, many businesses focused on Eco-friendly and biodegradable paper packaging material. This not only helps lessen the pollution in the environment but also sustains the good image of the brand. let’s learn about useful paper packaging that can be recycled easily.
Which Packaging Materials Are Easily Recyclable?
According to Eurostat, over 80 million tons of waste packaging were produced in Europe, in which 41% of wastage is of paper and cardboard, 19% plastic packaging, 19% glass, 16% wood, and 5% metal.
The ratio of recycled packaging material is 82% for paper and cardboard, 78% for metallic packaging, 76% for glass, 41% for plastic, and 31% for wood. So, we can clearly understand that the easiest recycled material is paper packaging.
Paper Packaging Material:
The most popular kind of packaging material these days is paper packaging. It is used for multiple products such as food, beverages, medicines, etc. It protects the food and is easy to assemble, easy to carry, and cost-effective. Here we are going to discuss some types of paper packaging material that can be easily recycled.
1. Kraft Paper Mailer Boxes:
Mailer boxes that are made from Kraft paper can be easily recycled. Kraft paper is Eco-friendly and many customers preferred Kraft paper over other packaging materials.
2. Padded Mailer:
The recycled process is different for the padded mailer. It may also be difficult to recycle the padding mailer if it is made of a different material. If the padded mailer is made up of paper padding, then it can be easily recycled. However, you cannot recycle it directly, if the paper bag contains plastic padding. You can recycle it only if you can separate the plastic padding from the paper bag.
3. Packaging with Gummed Paper Tape:
It is thought that packaging boxes with gummed paper tape are difficult to recycle. As the gummed tape is also made up of paper so the packaging with gummed paper tape is easily recyclable. Packaging with paper tape is the best and Eco-friendliest option if you want to ship your products safely.
4. Packaging with Plastic Packing Tape:
As we have already discussed that paper and plastic can’t be recycled together. So, if you send a packaging box to the recycling unit with the plastic tape on it, they will detach the plastic tape from the packaging and throw it. To recycle these boxes, workers throw the plastic tape packaging boxes into the heated mixture. Where the plastic tape separates from the packaging as paper changes into pulp. The workers discard the floated plastic tape manually. This plastic can’t be recyclable so they dump it.
5. Printed Paper Boxes:
Printed paper boxes are recycled easily unless metallic ink was used on them. Recycling units do not prefer the use of metallic ink on printed paper packaging.
6. Crinkle Paper:
Crinkle paper can also be easily recycled but they are really useful. They can’t be used to make the large paper as they are already in little shredded pieces. Crinkle papers are mostly recycled with another paper packaging.
Bottom Line:
We hope that you clearly understand what packaging material is recyclable and Eco-friendly. You should choose packaging that has no negative impact on the environment to earn the trust of the customers. Choosing the right kind of packaging will increase the growth of your business as well.
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